Because There's No Planet B is a new and growing organization.

It first started with an idea…and it has evolved and taken on a life of its own!

We are a passionate marketing firm called MAYO Designs and we are committed to working with companies that are taking on a caretaker role, whether through products they sell (solar energy, plastic alternatives, etc.) or how they run their business (environmentally friendly or socially responsible). MAYO Designs is also committed to inspiring the “caretaker mindset” in as many individuals as we can reach…and this is how Because There’s No Planet B was formed.

Our vision is to do what we can while inspiring our family, friends, and community to take a stand, use our collective voices, and decrease pollution while supporting mindful companies and hosting awareness events.

We started asking ourselves…
What is our why? What can we do? How can we get our message to the right audience? Where should we market our services when the digital landscape is full of SEO, social media, email marketing, etc?

So, in 2018 our team made a commitment…
We aligned our passion for this planet with our work AND we held our first event, the Sustainable Environment Summit.

Based on our passion for positive change…
Our goal is to inspire and educate our community about sustainability through interactive events. Our first event explored the challenges facing humanity at this moment in time, and the opportunities we have as a human family to create a more sustainable future. Following this, we’ve held two successful beach clean ups and continue to have impactful conversations with our clients. While Carrie is on the road spreading the message, we’re also actively planning our April 2020 event. Stay tuned & hang on tight, we’re not stopping here.

Share Your Story

Tell your story and inspire action in others.


Tips & Tricks

We’ve started a list of actions you can take to become more conscious.