Thinking globally | Acting locally Can’t stand the fact that 14 billion pounds of trash is dumped into the world’s oceans every year? We can’t either. Let’s do something about it. Our 2020 beach clean up was canceled due to COVID-19. We were intending to host in Hampton, NH and York, ME. While we were

Fall 2019 Beach Clean Up
Well, we did it again on September 23, 2019. The MAYO Designs team put together another successful beach clean up with the York, Maine community. Similar to the clean up in April 2019, we were joined by a network of businesses, friends and 129 members of the 8th grade class from York Middle School. Who

Earth Day 2019 Beach Clean Up
Ocean and beach trash is a serious pollution problem. It affects the health of people, wildlife and ecosystems. We are aware and want to be active participants in cleaning up the world around us. On April 22, 2019, we held our first beach clean up in York, Maine. We had groups of people collecting rubbish

Sustainable Environment Summit 2018
MAYO Designs is a Seacoast-based business that has been delivering web and marketing solutions for large and small companies for over 19 years. After the MAYO team decided to concentrate on working with companies who have the same mindset as us, the Sustainable Environment Summit was born. In 2018, we put on an event to