I’m sorry to share this news… Yesterday my dog, my companion, and my best friend Summer was hit by a car and died.
This is the last photo we have together & captures the spirit of road-life.
Fortunately, she died on the impact and did not suffer… I’ve spent the past 2 days grieving. I’m SO sad… But I’ll be ok.
I just lost my best friend…. ~I have a broken heart~
…and at the same time, I have an opportunity to reflect on so many smiles she brought me and remember and all the amazing ways she loved me SO much!
I also crossed into Colorado last night. The landscape from Oklahoma to Kansas and Colorado was incredibly flat… There was a whole lot of “nothingness” around me and I was thinking about her the whole time. It was a big day for a few reasons… After having been on the road for 19 days, I finally crossed over into Colorado, which was the first state I was heading to because I have an amazing marketing conference to attend in a few days!
I felt her with me as I crossed the Stateline… so I stopped to snap a photo of the welcome sign.
To me, the sun looks like a heart & I knew she was with me in Spirit. I told her I loved her & “I’ve got this”
Then I drove a few more miles and this message was on a sign in the next town.
There is no doubt that the universe was letting me know that I was not alone and that she was with me.
Not only was she the best road companion… she was truly the BEST Summer Ever! I miss you beautiful girl.