My trip has officially started! I left Maine at 5am and headed for Foxboro Stadium to kick off an event for a client (it ended up being perfect timing!).
Prior to leaving, I said my “goodbyes” and I stocked up the fridge with water, fresh fruits, and veggies. I did not feel like I had to “do-it-all” since I was going to be traveling for an extended period of time…I figured I would be able to get “anything” I needed on the road.
Along the way, I will be visiting some of the most beautiful places across the country, learning from various “cause” marketing firms, meeting with a variety of individuals practicing sustainability, and attending multiple conferences to learn more about how we can bring our strategy of sustainability in marketing to businesses across the US.
As of right now, I have 2 commitments…my first planned stop is Denver Colorado for a 5-day marketing conference. From there, I will head to San Diego, California where I will help facilitate a course that teaches others how to create a joyful, fulfilling and successful life. ?
I look forward to learning along the way, and blogging too.