What an interesting trip so far…whew!
It’s been 5 days and I seem to be traveling really slooooowwww…I’m not saying that is a bad thing, but it has somewhat surprised me! I’m not sure what I expected but I thought I would be out of New England by now.
When I woke up on day 2 it was Monday and my first “work-on-the-road” day. Thanks to freecampsites.net, I was lucky enough to have found a free campsite on the top of Hogback Mountain in Vermont! Not only did I have strong cell coverage and wifi, but the views were spectacular and the fall foliage was beautiful! I started my day off with a hike to an old fire tower and then I spent the majority of the rest of the day settling into my new office space (a.k.a my driver’s seat that swivels around to the collapsable table).
Days 3 & 4 I adjusted my schedule to balance the amount of time I spent working, driving and resting. My biggest lesson learned so far is the realization that I am NOT a fan of driving for hours in the dark so I will be adjusting my “windshield time”!
I LOVE not knowing where I’m going to be from day-to-day…I basically look at my road Atlas, make sure I’m heading West and research National Parks and free campsites to determine how far I’m going to travel. I hope to get out of NY today and head towards the Great Lakes. ?