A LOT has happened in this world since my last post!
I’ve actually struggled a little to write…
…I was in Moab UT when I made the decision to cut my trip short and head back to Maine. I thought it would be best to be in a familiar place and to be surrounded by my team, my family & my friends.
So… I am back in York {which is absolutely beautiful} and I am still living in my van on a piece of land I bought in August 2019.
I had an amazing 5 1/2 month trip across the country!!! HOLY MOLY…
~I really got to know myself and trust the decisions I was making… and I saw so many beautiful places and things… {waterfalls/cliffs/deserts/sand dunes/sunsets/surfers/meteor craters/National Parks/wild horses/freak snowstorms/flash floods/sand storms/hot air balloons… and so much more}
This country is absolutely breathtaking… There is SO much to see and I have only scratched the surface.
I have had people ask me what my plans are for future travel and I don’t hesitate to answer that I would LOVE the opportunity to travel some more… maybe I can hit the road again in October or November of 202o {we shall see}
…until then, I will be living in my van… in York, Maine… building an “off-the-grid” house on a pond.
I am SO happy to be home!
I am even happier that my team is doing well and that we will “weather-this-storm” together!
We have had a few emotional ups-and-downs over the past few weeks and we are now settling-in a bit.. we are continuing to support each other, our families, our clients, and our community the best we can.
We appreciate each other on a daily basis… we put love and care into our work… and we recognize the fact that we are surrounded by beauty every day!
I too share in the uncertainty that we are all feeling and I remind myself to focus on being the best version of my self I can be…
…my journey continues.
I look forward to this next adventure… I’m having a well drilled in a few days… once that is in, I will design a cistern holding tank and start researching the building permit.
~stay safe