As many of you already know, I own a marketing company called MAYO Designs and I feel as though I am in the middle of not only reinventing myself but reinventing the business to what I will call “MAYO 3.0”.
here is a little history…
MAYO 1.0 → From 2001-2016 I ran the company as a “solopreneur” for 15 years before I hired my first full-time employee.
MAYO 2.0 → In 2018 we were now a team of 6 and we started to define “who we were” and “how” we were going to operate in this industry. This is when an “intentional focused mindset” became the guiding influence on the way we think… we knew we were going to focus on marketing for companies who have a greater purpose – companies who support the sustainability of our species & planet.
In addition, we began to explore how we could align our actions with the causes that we believe in.
Now here is the vision for MAYO 3.0 →
Our planet needs our help… and this is more than reducing the use of straws and recycling. We have a lot of work to do…
So we have started this journey and created this website to share stories that inspire, ignite hope and joy, and illuminate ways we can take action… actions that will help change human presence on earth to one that is beneficial to the planet and all living species…and aid citizens in alternative ways when going about their daily activities.
Why Me?
Well… I’ve asked my self this question many times… If not ME, then WHO? If not NOW, then WHEN?!?
and to me… this cause is SO IMPORTANT that I… changed the way I do business!
People know that our planet is suffering, and many want to help but don’t know how. According to the Program on Climate Change Communication lead by Yale, about seven in ten Americans (72%) say the issue of global warming is either “extremely,” “very,” or “somewhat” important to them personally. And 70% want to know how they can help.
At MAYO, we are building a community that teaches and encourages others to lead by example.
Our mission is to educate others and participate in creating a cleaner and more sustainable planet for our children.
We know that Humans are the only species that have the capacity to be caretakers and stewards of our planet and we have embraced this truth.
The planet is a living, breathing organism and we need to see it and treat it as such. I want people to know that YOU can make a difference, just start somewhere… lead by example.
I’ve reinvented my business around this cause because… there is no planet B… AND I find JOY in connecting with people, aligning my actions with causes that I believe in, and operating from a place of curiosity!